Pujadas-Hostench, J.; Palau-Saumell, R. ; Forgas-Coll, S.; Matute, J.
The purpose of this paper is to design and test a conceptual model integrating uses and gratifications (UGT), self-image congruity (SIC), and theory of planned behavior (TPB) theories to identify the drivers that lead users to develop intentions to purchase clothing products through social networking sites (SNS).
Using an online questionnaire, data were collected from customers of clothing products who visit the SNS of their preferred clothing brands (n=1,003). Empirical results, using partial least squares regressions, were used to test the conceptual model.
The results supported the model and showed, as the main result, that purchase intention through the use of SNS is positively affected by intentions to use SNS and SNS use. SNS use is influenced by intentions to use SNS and by UGT. Intentions to use SNS are positively affected by UGT, attitude and perceived behavioral control (PBC). Attitude is positively influenced by UGT, SIC, PBC and subjective norm.
Social implications
These findings reveal that the critical elements in achieving purchase intentions in users through SNS include obtaining their participation by managing the SNS according to users’ self-image and offering useful gratifications.
This paper integrates theories of SIC, UGT and the TPB in a context of technology post-adoption to understand users’ purchase intentions through SNS. By establishing this novel theoretical integration approach, this paper furthers insight into purchase intentions through SNS.


Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, vol. 119, no. 5, p. 1015-1030