Open Access
Documentos publicados en acceso abierto por el personal docente e investigador de IQS.
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Big data in multi-block data analysis: An approach to parallelizing Partial Least Squares Mode B algorithm
Carminic acid linked to silica nanoparticles as pigment/antioxidant bifunctional excipient for pharmaceutical emulsions
Categorical versus dimensional thinking: improving anti-stigma campaigns by matching health message frames and implicit worldviews
Central clock components modulate plant shade avoidance by directly repressing transcriptional activation activity of PIF proteins
Charting the metabolic landscape of the facultative methylotroph bacillus methanolicus
Chitin and peptidoglycan deacetylases: discovery, characterization and engineering
Tags: Tesis IQS 2020 , School of Engineering , Open Access
Combining biological processes with UV/H2O2 for metoprolol and metoprolol acid removal in hospital wastewater
Cómo destacar en un mercado saturado
Comprehensive characterization of 76 pharmaceuticals and metabolites in wastewater by LC-MS/MS
Computational analysis of fluid dynamics at the ascending thoracic aorta in Marfan syndrome patients
Tags: Tesis IQS 2020 , School of Engineering , Open Access