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Estudios: Fecha: |
Máster en Química Farmacéutica (MQF)
Trabajos de final de máster del Máster en Química Farmacéutica (School of Engineering).
Seleccionar cada título para ampliar información.
Application of chitosan synthetic membranes for the study of active principles and their effect on human skin
Applications of the Aza-Michael Reaction in Flow Chemistry for the Synthesis of API
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
BN isosterism: New Synthetic Opportunities in Drug Discovery
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
BN Isosterism: New Synthetic Opportunities in Material Science and Drug Discovery
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
Cellular Delivery of Cas9/sgRNA RNPs by hydrophobic Oligoamino Amides
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
Design and synthesis of MNK inhibitors for treatment of cancer
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
Design and synthesis of multitarget tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
Development of a 3D cell culture platform to study EGFR trafficking and degradation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
Development of supramolecular metallacages for use as drug delivery systems for applications in cancer therapy
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |
Disseny de nous compostos per al tractament de malalties infeccioses desateses: Leishmaniosi
Autor/a: Director/a: |
Estudios: Fecha: |