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TFM IQS 2020/21
Trabajos finales de máster de los másters de IQS (School of Engineering i School of Management) defendidos en el curso académico 2020/2021.
Seleccionar cada título para ampliar información (abstract, grado, etc.).
Investigation on the effects of intumescent paint on biomaterials pretreated with other fire retardants
Jolly Hands. An environmentally friendly hand sanitizer to fight pandemics and prevent infection
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La Guía al Venture Capital
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantify the swelling and drying of whey protein hydrogels
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Mammal cells engineering for the production of fluorescently labelled extracellular vesicles
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Mantenimiento en Lafargeholcim, S.A
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Marketing Plan for Dow Inc.: Introducing XZ 89179.00 to French market
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Marketing Plan for Nnergix
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Metabolic Engineering of phytoceramide biosynthetic pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for a-galctosylceramide Inmunostimulant Production
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Modelo sostenible de planificación patrimonial
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