SABI (Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System) is a database with financial information of more than 2,6 million companies in Spain and Portugal.
SABI contains detailed information about companies in Spain and Portugal and reports on:
- Business financial information
- Brands (Spanish companies only)
- Financial strength indicators
- Directors and contacts
- Stock data for listed companies
- Original declarations/scanned images (Spanish companies only)
- Detailed corporate structures
- Market research
- Business and business news
- M&A deals and rumors
- Maps and cartographic analysis
- Audit repors (only for Spanish companies)
With SABI you can:
- Value a company's financial strength
- Search for companies that match your profiles including size, industry and location and you can combine it with hundreds of criteria
- Find all the companies of the same corporate "family" and visualize the complex organizational structures in diagrams. This unique set of data includes national and international proprietary information
- Gather complex business data including background, financial history as well as relevant M&A news, agreements and rumors
- Analyze a company in relation to its comparison group
- Show your results on charts to help you interpret and showcase your research
- Monitor companies and comparison groups of interest using SABI's flexible alerts
- Export your results for analysis or business development projects
- Integrate SABI data into your own databases, CRM system or spreadsheet to learn more about your customers and prospects
- Compare business groups
How they can help you?
SABI is easy to use and allows you to search for business information quickly. You can use SABI for a variety of business challenges:
- Procurement and supplier risk management
- Academic research
- Professional internship - SABI is used by many accounting companies for business development and consulting
- Compliance, KYC and due diligence
- Business development and CRM data management and enrichment
- Corporate finance
- Credit analysis and risk management
SABI: A unique business and financial scan tool (1:59 min.)
Information extracted from Videotutorial on loan from SABI, a web tool developed by INFORMA D&B in collaboration with Bureau Van Dijk.