

For all kind of loans, you must bring your university ID card. According to the library that holds the document that is required on loan, we divide the loan into three types:

  • Llull Loan: the loan of documents from Ramon Llull University's Library network.
  • PUC (Unified Loan Consorted): the loan of documents from the network of university libraries members of the CSUC.
  • Interlibrary Loan: the loan of documents from libraries that do not belong to any of  the two previous groups.


Lull Loan PUC Interlibrary Loan


Llull Loan

Service that allows to temporarily remove from the Library those documents of any faculty of the URL that are not excluded from loan. 

Remember that through the My Account you can know what documents you have on loan, manage reservations and renewals.

Documents excluded from loan

  • Reference works: dictionaries, encyclopedias, catalogues, yearbooks, and the like
  • Periodical publications; magazines, newspapers and the like
  • Bibliographic News
  • Documents with round and red sticker on the top of the spinecondi
  • Other documents indicated in the catalog

Loan conditions

Depending on the type of user, the following types of loans are available:

User types
Number of documents
Máx. days allowed
Max. renovations













All loaned documents can be renewed up to a maximum of 6 times if no other user has requested them. To renew the loan of a work of art, you must use My Account or contact the Library (by telephone, e-mail or in person). 


Any document from the URL Catalogue (except excluded documents) can be reserved by any user who is active and unrestricted (fines, maximum number of loans allowed...), either from the catalog itself (option available upon identification in My Account or by requesting it from the library staff at the information and Loan counter.

  • Bookings of books of any faculty URL can be made
  • You can book both available and borrowed books
  • You can choose the location for the collection of the reservations (no user costs)



Books must be returned by the indicated return date. Returns will be made at the Library counter or in the return mailbox at the outside entrance corridor to the Study Room. 

If a refund is made after the deadline, loan service blockages will appy (1 day of blocking for each document and day of delay in the return). There may be more restrictive penalties for some types of documents (consult library staff).

Documents not returned, lost or mistreated (broken, painted sheets, etc...) must be restored by the user. Until they are restored the loan service will be blocked.



The Unified Consortium Loan (PUC) is a free service that allows authorized users (enrolled, hired) to request and borrow documents that are not available in the libraries of the URL, but that are in a library of the institutions that are part of the CSUC. Also this service also allows free access of users to any library of the participating institutions.


  1. Sign in with your IQS credentials to the Discovery URL.
  2. Find the book you want to borrow.
  3. If you do not find results within the URL, click on the Expand search option.
  4. Select the book you’ve found.
  5. In the section get it from other libraries, click on the GET IT option.
  6. Indicate to which URL library you want to collect the book and complete the process by clicking SEND.


What if I don't find the book through the expanded search?


Types of loan

The documents may be requested in different ways: 

a) On site Loan: in person, in the Libray where they are deposited, and presenting the university card.
b) PUC by website: remotely, through Discovery URL.

For more information, consult the PUC loan regulations.


Interlibrary Loan

Documents that aren’t available in the URL libraries or in the libraries participating in PUC, can be requested by PI (Interlibrary Loan).

This service may incur some management costs, of which you will be informed before starting the procedure.



  1. Sign in with your IQS credentials to the Discovery URL.
  2. Find the book you want to borrow.
  3. If you do not find results within the URL, click on the Expand search option.
  4. If you don't find results in the libraries that participate in the PUC, select the option "Didn't find what you were looking for? Click here and REQUEST IT" and fill in the form with all the book's details.