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Search your citations

The citation is the method with which the different indicators are evaluated as the impact factor of a journal, and its variants. It is analysed which journals are the best valued and categorised (ordered by quartiles), the h index and g index indicators are obtained to value an author, an institution or even the journal articles themselves in a specific work can be observed by means of the impact on social networks, thanks to the altmetrics.

 For more information on scientific evaluation see Indicators.

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Web of Science

Database of bibliographic references of journal articles, offering access to current and retrospective information from author summaries and citation indices of more than 9,000 international publications in the fields of the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.


Consult the WoS training materials (FECYT) (in Spanish)


Access to the database Web Of Science



Database of bibliographic references of journal articles, offering access to current and retrospective information from author abstracts and citation indexes from thousands of international publications in the fields of the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. 


Consult the Scopus training materials (FECYT)  (in Spanish)


Access to Scopus database