Research Data

Research Data

Projects funded by the European Commission must develop a Data Management Plan and deposit data in open access following the FAIR principles, and therefore the data must be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable to increase efficiency and transparency of the research. You can find more information, good practice and other requirements at FAIR x FAIR. Requeriments factibles, assolibles i implementables per a un repositori de dades de recerca FAIR




Data Management Plan (DMP)


Data Management Plan (DMP), is a document where you can represent the data collection in the scientific research process which projects are financed under public founds. 

To produce this document, we recommend you to use eiNa DMP where you can store the information, update it, share it, and save it in the file that you want. 


Acces to "How we produce a DMP with CORA.eiNa DMP"


IQS Manual DMP (loggin required)


Research Data in open access


For the publication of open data, the URL participates in the Repositori de Dades de Recerca of the Catalan Open Research Area also known as CORA.RDR, which is the trusted repository specifically for research data from Catalan universities and CERCA centres. The metadata published in the RDR are indexed in Google Dataset Search, DataCite Search, OpenAIRE and Mendeley Data, and comply with FAIR principles. The data are published in open access using datasets consisting of the research data file(s), a persistent identifier, a description of the formats used, descriptive metadata about the data, the readme file and, if necessary, other contextual documentation.


Access to "RDR, the repository for publishing FAIR data"



We recommend you to consult these two sessions offered by the Research and Innovation Office of Universitat Ramon Llull, as well as the information they provide on Open data