Access to Research is a repository of academic articles available free of charge through public libraries in the UK, which participate in a collaborative project between libraries and publishers, who deposit academic content in open access. Articles can be found from a range of disciplines including art, architecture, business, engineering, history, languages, politics, philosophy, mathematics and science. |
Open access
Multidisciplinar |
Databases and other resources
Select the capital letter of the database that you want to consult (A-Z), or filter by category (Engineering, Management or Multidisciplinary).
The access can change by database or resource: open access, by IP recognition for IQS network (IQS Campus access) or by user/password.
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IQS Campus access | ![]() |
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Aranzadi is a database of legislation and case law owned by the publisher Thomson Reuters which is updated daily and offers legislation in all areas. |
IQS Campus access
Management |
Official Portal of the BOE that allows you to consult the newsletter from its publication date, by searching by date. Legislation can be consulted from 1960 by Sections, with the exception of Section V since , excepte la Secció V des de 1995, i el Boletín Oficial del Registro Mercantil (BORME), des de 2001 fins l'actualitat. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
Business Source Premier is a database owned by EBSCO that provides full-text access to more than 1,200 academic and research journals on enconomics, business, accounting or banking, among others. |
IQS Campus access |
Management |
The Central de Información Económico-Financiera of the Public Administrations of Spain provides publicly the information on the economic-financial activity of the different Public Administrations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of the Organic Law 2/2012, of 27 April, on Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability. It offers access to the information structured in categories and also allows searches by administration+subject+time period. The information can be downloaded in different formats (.xls, .csv) and the graphics in image format. |
Open access
Management |
ChemSpider is a database of chemical structures developed by the Royal Society of Chemistry. It includes more than 28 million structures that have been compiled from numerous data sources. |
Open access
Engineering |
CIMA it is a search tool for authorized medicines offered by the Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. The information shown will refer to the availability of medicines in pharmaciesal offices and/or services, giving details of their authorization situations, marketing statuses and possible supply problems. |
Open access
Engineering |
Clute Institute is an institution that has been publishing and promoting academic research since 1985. It offers free access to 20 journals in the area of economics, education and science. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
On the website of the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) you can consult different information from official registers: information on entities, issues, admissions and takeover bids, investment services companies, credit institutions, issuing companies, venture capital companies and many other information of interest to the stock market. |
Open access
Management |
Consumer Health: main edition is a database owned by EBSCO that supports patient information needs and fosters comprehensive information on health issues. Includes content from over 500 magazines, over 500 e-books and reference books, and about 500 medical images and diagrams. |
Acceso campus IQS
Multidisciplinar |
Core is an open access content aggregator of scientific documents jointly managed between the Open University and Jis. It currently contains more than 131,000 open-access articles and tens of thousands of magazines, collected from more than 3,600 repositoires around the world. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
Dialnet it is a bibliographic portal focused mainly on the fields of human, legal and social sciences, whose main task is to give greater visibility to Hispanic scientific literature. It contains the summaries of the vast majority of journals published in this geographical field. In many cases, there is a link to the full text. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary | is a databse containing summaries of thousands of doctoral theses. Allows you to search by author, title, topic and ISBN. The result shows the bibliographic data and the summary. You can view the first pages of the document for free. Option to purchase the full text in various formats. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
DOAB is an e-book directory in Open Access. It has more than 19,000 books from more than 300 publishers. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
DOAJ it is a directory of more than 13,000 multidisciplinary themed journals, which can be consulted in open access. Its mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, use and impact of quality by providing open access to peer review magazines worldwide, from diverse disciplines. DOAJ is committed to being 100% independent and offers all its services and metadata free of use and reuse for everyone. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
The DOGC Database is a legal document resource updated daily. It allows the search and retrieval of documents published in the DOGC from issue 1, published on December 5, 1977. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
Econlit is a database produced by the American Economic Association. It provides access to bibliographic references and abstracts of articles from more than 550 journals, as well as monographs, theses, working the field of economics and business. |
IQS Campus access
Management |
ELIXIR Core - Biological Data Resources are a set of European data resources related to life-science, specially biological data, in different databases such as ArrayExpress, BRENDA, CATH, ChEBI, ChEMBL, EGA, ENA, Ensembl, Europe PMC, Human Protein Atlas, IntAct, InterPro, MINT, Orphadata, PDBe, PRIDE, SILVA, STRING and UniProt. |
Open Access
Tutorials of ELIXIR Core - Biological Data Resources
Engineering |
Eric is the main reference and international bibliographic database specialized in educational sciences. It indexes more than 20,000 journal articles/year. |
IQS Campus access
Multidisciplinary |
EUR-Lex allows consultation in the 24 official languages of the UE: the Official Journal of the European Union, EU legislation (treaties, directives, regulations, decisions, consolidated legislation, etc.), preparatory texts (legislative proposals, reports, green and white papers, etc.),EU case law (judgements, orders, etc.), internacional agreements, AELC documents, and other public documents. It also makes it possible to follow legislative procedures step by step. The database is updated daily and has more than 3 million entries, collecting texts since 1951. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is a single reference work for the quality control of medicines. The official standards it contains provide a scientific basis for quality control during the entire life cycle of a product. These standards are legally binding – as laid down in the Council of Europe Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia and in EU and national pharmaceutical legislation. Ph. Eur. quality standards become mandatory on the same date in all States Parties to the convention. |
User/Password access
Engineering |
The official site of the European Union shows an overview of EU publications, reports, statistics and EU libraries. Allow access to the register of documents of the EU institutions for all official EU documents. |
Open access
Management |
Ideas it is an economic themed database that indexes more than 2,900,000 research articles, and much of them in full text. |
Open access
Management |
INEbase is the system used by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística for the storage of statistical information on the Internet. It contains all the information that the INE produces in electronic formats. |
Open access
Management |
IntechOpen it is an open access scientific book portal containing more than 3,550 books in the field of science, technology and medicines. It is a platform made up of more than 108,500 authors and scientific editors and is supported by Web of Science. |
Open access
Engineering |
ITC it is an international trade database provides access to Trade Map (monthly, quarterly or annual statistics, trends and indicators of international trade flows...); Market Access Map (tariffs, protection indicators and tariff simulations...); Investment Map (foreign direct investment (IDE), trade, market access and data from foreign subsidiaries to prepare Strategies for the Promotion of IDE...); Standards Map (access to comprehensive information in private standards to increase opportunities for sustainable production and trade). |
Open access
Management |
JCR It is a product for the analysis and evaluation of scientific journals essential for librarians, editors, authors, professors and students, information analysts and other people who need to know the impact and influence of a publication on the global research community. JCR helps measure the influence of research and shows the relationships between the journals cited and those cited. |
IQS Campus access
Multidisciplinary |
Knoema is a comprehensive source of global business intelligence data from around the world. It contains over 3.3b time series published by over 1.4k official sources. It presents the data in many different ways, using artificial intelligence, and serves to help organizations make decisions. It allows the visualization of the information, but the export of several of these data is limited to premium version. |
Open access
Management |
Francis Lefebvre allows the online consultation of the Accounting Memento (analysis of the PGC for PYMES and microenterprimes, ICAC consultations, etc.) etc.), Social Memento (Labor and Social Security information and current regulations) and Fiscal Memento (news and legislative reforms), all of them updated weekly with the latest regulatory, doctrinal and jurisprudential news that are approved throughout the year. |
User/Password access
Management |
LENS is a search engine for scientific information that tries to link the world of patents of patents with that of scientific publications. |
Open access
Engineering |
Market Access Database (MADB) is a database of the European Comissión that gives information to companies exporting from the EU about import conditions in third country markets. Offers information about duties & taxes on imports of products into specific countries, procedures & documents required for customs clearance in the partner country, statistics on trade flows in goods between EU and non-EU countries, trade barriers affecting your exports, food safety/animal health/plant health measures, preferential agreements & rules of origin, services for SMEs and country trade information. |
Open access
Management |
Market Analysis Tools - ITC it is an international trade database that provides access to Trade Map (monthly, quarterly or annual statistics, trends and indicators of international trade flows...; Market Access Map (tariffs, protection indicators and tariff simulations...); Investment Map (foreign direct investment (IDE), trade, market access and data from foreign subsidiaries to prepare IDE promotion strategies...); Standards Map (access to comprehensive information on private standards to increase opportunities for sustainable commercial production and exchange). |
Open access
Management |
MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), it is an open access academic publishing house, founded in 1996. They publish over 200 peer-reviewed academic journals in ten different fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, biomedicine, philosophy and social sciences. |
Open access
Engineering |
Medicamentalia it is an international journalistic project by Civio on global access to thealth. It combines investigative journalism, data analysis and field reporting in several countries of the world. In this project you can also find other contents related to the health and trasparency of this sector. |
Open access
Engineering |
NCBI is the database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) which is part of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It contains biomedical research articles as well as relevant information on biotechnology. |
Open access
Engineering |
Oapen is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the open-access publication of academic books. OAPEN provides a platform for the dissemination of the full text of books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. It contains approximately 2,000 European books in open access, of various subjects and with predominance of English language. |
Open access
Management |
1findr is a platform for peer-reviewed articles on multidisciplinary topics, in all languages and countries. It allows access to 27 million articles from information sources such as arXiv, DOAJ or Scielo from a single access platform. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
Passport Euromonitor it is a databse specialized in market research, which provides strategic analysis on industries, countries, consumers and companies. It provides an overview of the industry and economic landscape of more than 200 countries and 1,150 cities. |
IQS Campus access
The first time you access the resource, after URL validation, you must enter a series of data to complete the registration.
Management |
Pharmakoteka is a database of specifics and ancient pahrmaceutical specialties (1800-1960), created as a line of research of the Catalan Pharmacy Museum and as a teaching tool of the Pharmaceutical History, Legislation and Management Unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universitat de Barcelona. |
Open Access
Engineering |
PillBox is a database of solid medicines marketed in the US. It can be searched by shape, color, size, etc. Spaced to be relevant for the profusion and quality of the images for easy identification. It allows the use of mobile applications and links to the values and characteristics of the medicines. |
Open access
Engineering |
Project MUSE it offers an extensive collection of books and journals on humanities and social sciences, many of them published by American universities. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
PsycINFO is an international databases specializing in psychology by the American Psychological Association. It indexes approximately 2,300 magazine titles and is accessed through EbscoHost. |
IQS Campus access
Multidisciplinary |
PubMed it includes more than 23 million quotes from MEDLINE biomedical literature, life sciences journals, and e-books. Appointments can include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites. |
Open access
Engineering |
RACO, is a repository specialized in scientific journals, where full text articles can be consulted in open access. They are Catalan scientific, cultural and scholarly journals, published by a Catalan scientific, cultural and/or scholarly institution, or published in Catalan, or related to Catalan history or culture. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
RECERCAT, RECERCAT, the Dipòsit de la Recerca de Catalunya, is a cooperative repository of digital documents that includes research literature from universities and research centers in Catalonia, as well as articles not yet published (preprints), communications to congresses, reports of research, working papers, final year projects, technical reports, etc. This project is promoted by the universities of Catalonia and the Library of Catalonia, managed and coordinated by the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya and has the participation of other Catalan institutions |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
RECOLECTA or Recolector de Ciencia Abierta is a platform that brings together all the Spanish scientific repositories and provides services to repository managers, researchers and the agents involved in policy making (public decision-makers). |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
Refinitiv Eikon is a database about information, analytics, and news on all the major financial markets, economic time series, macro forecasts, real-time and historical pricing data, global financial news, company data and analysis, financial estimates, M&A, and valuation ratios. |
User/Password access
Management |
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 102 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. The collected data are then used in various services that serve the collected metadata to users or enhance it. |
Open access
Management |
SABI is a tool that allows you to easily and quickly manage the general information and annual accounts of more than 1.25 million Spanish companies and more than 500,000 Portuguese companies. It contains economic and financial information on more than 550,000 Spanish companies and more than 67,000 Portuguese companies. The data collected are from the last 10 years. |
IQS Campus access
Management |
Sales & Marketing Source is an EBSCO propietary database that supports sales and marketing professionals. Includes articles from a wide variety of industries and provides information on the discipline's best practices. |
Acceso campus IQS
Management |
SciFindern is a research tool that allows you to explore CAS databases containing literature from various disciplines, covering biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials sciences, agriculture, etc. Searches can be made in journals and patents around the world, using substructures and reactions. |
Combined access:IQS Campus and User/Password |
Offcampus access User Manuals Logging instructions
Engineering |
Scimago is a product for the analysis and evaluation of scientific journals. It presents statistical citation data from 1996 onwards, which provide a systematic and objective way of determining the relative importance of journals within their thematic categories (journal impact factor). It is an essential tool for librarians, publishers, authors, professors and students, information analysts and others who need to know the impact and influence of a publication on the global research community. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
Scopus is a bibliographic reference database of journal articles, providing access to current and retrospective information on author abstracts and citation indexes from thousands of international publications in the fields of the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. |
IQS Campus access
Multidisciplinary |
Social Science Research Network (SSNR) is a cooperative database of more than 250,000 authors that allows a rapid dissemination of scientific production in the economic and social sciences. It contains more than 450,000 full-text articles. |
Open access
Management |
TDX, is a cooperative repository that contains, in digital format and free access, doctoral theses read at the universities of Catalonia and other autonomous communities. It contains more than 29,000 theses, a figure that increases daily... |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
TESEO is a database containing Spanish doctoral theses since 1976. It is a page created to allow the future doctor to introduce the data of his thesis in the system. The system will control the different steps through which the thesis passes, and once approved it will be stored in the TESEO consultation system so that it can be consulted from the Internet. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
Ullmann's is one of the most important reference works in industrial chemistry. It contains 1,000 articles written by 3,000 experts in their respective fields. Contains 16 million words, 10,000 tables, 30,000 figures. The thematic areas included are: organic and inorganic chemistry, materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, metals and alloys, biotechnology, food chemistry, process engineering and basic operations, analytical methods, environment, etc. |
IQS Campus access
Engineering |
UNCTADstat is a world statistical database created by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) that provides extensive coverage of topics including economic trends, foreign direct investment (FDI) in-flows, out-flows, and stocks, population, commodity prices, and many others. Information can be displayed as a chart or graph and be exported easily in several file formats. |
Open access
Management |
UNESdoc it is UNESCO's open access repository from which it offers more than 300 books online, as well as open access reports and articles under Creative Commons open licensing system. |
Open access
Multidisciplinary |
USP provides access to official U.S. Food and Drug Administration standards for medicines, pharmaceutical forms, excipients, master preparations and other therapeutic products. The current version of USP-NF standards considered official by the USP are required by the FDA (Foof and Drug Administration) fpr drugs that are manufacured and marketed in the United States. It is essential for quality control, quality assurance, research and development of analysis methods. It collects monographs of excipients, active ingredients and pharmaceutical forms and preparations. |
User/Password access
Engineering |
The World Bank's DataBank is an analysis and visualization tool containing time series data collections on various topics. You can create queries; generate tables, graphs and maps; and save, embed and share them. You can also query microdata (sample data), many of which are freely available, and information about the World Bank. |
Open access
Management |
The World Trade Organization provides access to the official documents of the WTO's councils and committees as well as to a range of other resources, such as databases (many of them with open access), trade statistics, economic research, WTO publications, videos, audio, photos and “legal texts” (the body of WTO agreements that collectively form the legal framework of the WTO). |
Open access
Management |
Web of Science is a database of bibliographic references of journal articles, which provides access to current and retrospective information of author abstracts and citation indexes of more than 12,000 international publications in the fields of science, social sciences, arts and humanities. |
IQS Campus access |
Multidisciplinary |