Cazorla Porta, Aina
Isla Domínguez, Carla
We live in a consumer society characterized by the excessive consumption of goods and services available thanks to the mass production of these.
That is why, after an exhaustive study of the creation of a service idea that is new and useful for today's society, we have invented a mobile application that allows customers to buy in the physical store without the hassle of carrying your purchases.
As customers and consumers that we are, we have believed that, for a large group of people, it makes them uncomfortable to go shopping and then have to spend the rest of the day carrying bags, especially tourists, who come to enjoy the city without having any load, as would be their bags. Therefore, you can choose to keep them and charge them the whole trip or easier, use our service and have them taken directly to your apartment or hotel.
In addition, this service is very appropriate at this time as more and more facilities are created to promote purchases. That is why we consider it a competitive advantage, and if we add that we are innovative and that there is no company that performs the service that our application performs, we position ourselves very well in the market.
Mainly our application would be aimed at all those tourists who want to enjoy their trip while still being able to afford to buy everything they would like and who do not do so because of the annoyance that it could cause them to carry the bags all the time. Nor will we discriminate against the local people of the city as they will be our daily consumers. To find out who our main potential client will be, we have carried out a market study, where we have observed that the age group between 30 and 75 years is the ones who can hire our services the most.
In our case, when carrying out the financial part, it has been observed that in 3 years we will have a positive cash flow. This is good since it indicates that we will have the capacity to deal with the debts on a c / p basis and that ultimately the commercial operations of payments and collections are carried out correctly.
In the third year the income will already cover all the losses and that is when we will begin to obtain positive results.
