Espinosa Ramos, Enric
LLobera Ramis, Miquel Àngel
Nowadays, finding where to park the car in big cities has become a complicated and in many cases excessively expensive task. There is no way to book a car park in advance at a reasonable cost. There is a growing circulation of cars on the streets, even in some cities measures are being taken to reduce cars parked on the streets. In short, finding parking in the city is a virtually impossible task.
The P&G project aims to solve the problems set out above. The company aims to create a personal parking rental community on which to rely on time rental. Owners of parking spaces will explain the location, measurements, price per time, and how to access it through the app. Customers will look for and choose the place depending on their needs.
The income model is very simple. The company will get a commission for each transaction that is made between owner and customer.
The initial investment is 90,000 euros, but it must be borne in mind that, according to forecasts, in the second year the investment will be recovered.
The P&G team will be made up of the company's partners, Enrique Espinosa and Miguel Ángel Llobera. Both will be involved in all aspects to ensure the success of the project.
The company sees success in the rise of new technologies, in the policies that cities such as Barcelona are using to eliminate cars from the streets and the economic crisis that will result from the Covid-19 pandemic will be a great help, as that people will look for low-cost alternatives and practices like P&G.
As we can see we are talking about a business model that according to forecasts from the second year will already have benefits.