150 IQS theses in TDX repository
The repository Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa (TDX) already has 150 IQS doctorals theses.
IQS Library collects the doctoral theses in paper format, catalogues them and they are included in the catalogue for bibliographic search, and preserves them for accessing to the document and for consulting in the Library itself.
TDX is a cooperative repository that contains in digital format the doctoral theses read at the Universities of Catalonia and Universities of other autonomous communities such as Andorra, Illes Balears or Comunitat Valenciana. Access to the consultation of theses is free, and searches can be by full text, title, author, director, keywords, university and department where it has been read. | ![]() |
If you want to consult other repositories such as RECERCAT or RACO, you can access to the Open Science section.