Martín Calle, David
Miret Morera, Eduard
Our business deals with the production and marketing of a men's swimsuit with waterproof pockets, which will allow any bather to enter the water with their personal belongings.
This project arose from a need of living on the coast. For many people, when they go to the beach or a public pool, it is always worrying to leave their belongings unattended, as it prevents them from enjoying the experience to the fullest. On the other hand, a product that already exists on the market was also inspiring. At Decathlon we saw that there were mobile phone cases for €10 and swimsuits for €5, combined we have our product. And finally, during the development of the project it was found that there were several suppliers of our product, this was the third reason why it was considered that the product could be very successful. Offering a high quality product they have not achieved great notoriety, this is due to the high sale price of the product. This swimsuit will be offered, with added value, for a price that pleases our target, €24.79 (€30 with VAT).
The first task was to define the market. In order to be more efficient in launching the product, we decided to take a more specific approach. We chose the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, which is where the two partners come from, they know the customs, there is great economic activity and of course it is a coastal area.
From here, we analyzed all the resources we would need and how much it would cost us to get them. It was calculated that the initial investment needed to carry out the operation had to be €200,000, €100,000 to be provided by the partners and a bank loan of another €100,000. The financial analysis includes the first 3 years, during which around 29,000 units will be sold, €718,910 gross. No benefits will be generated until the second year, the third year the benefits will be around €50,000. There will be an excess of cash, when Aegir's position in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area has been consolidated, the company will expand to other territories.
