Serrabou Clemente-Alloza, Belén
- Introduction and objectives: There are divergences about the consumption of medicines not subject to medical prescription by the Spanish population. In this study, the most consumption drugs are analysed: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), analgesics, antacids and laxatives to know data on consumption, use and patient’s behaviour.
- Methodology: Observational and descriptive study, developed through a survey conducted to 104 patients requesting this type of medication in a Barcelona pharmacy office in 2021.
- Results and conclusions: NSAIDs/analgesics are the most widely used group of study drugs (64%) with a significant difference compared to laxatives (21%) and antacids (15%). The results show different profiles according to the different categories, with NSAIDs/analgesics being the youngest patient, their use is punctual (80%), it is selfuse (82%), and they have a better knowledge of the drug. Patients who consume antacids are middle-aged and take it only occasionally (82%). It is mainly selfconsumption
(88%), and the correct dosage is known (87%). As for laxatives, it is used by older patients, from 66 years old (87%). The profile of the patient is differentiated between chronic use (41%) and the occasional patient (59%). This is the category where there is the most ignorance of the correct dosage (77%), although it is also the one with the greatest medical follow-up (45%). Overall, in most cases the first indication was received from the doctor (74%), and a low indication from the pharmacist was detected (9%). There are no perceived side effects produced by this medication (97%), and there is a general ignorance of the side effects of taking medication for a long time (92%). The present study has an important limitation as it was carried out only in one pharmacy. A study with a large number of pharmacies would be required to be more representative.
