Camprubí, Andrea
París, Berta
Celebrate was born from the lack of quick and economical applications on technological platforms to organize any type of event, including the location of the event and all kinds of details that clients want to tell. It is a service aimed at all ages from 20 to 70 years old.
The objective of the project is to organize special events easily and quickly, being able to choose from APP Celebrate the different services that we offer and that cannot be missing in the celebrations with the assurance that we will contact the best possible suppliers to make your dreams come true. parties, at the time and place that they take place.
Celebrate wants to differentiate itself from other event organization companies through the APP that can be downloaded from any iOS and Android device. This way the only thing you will have to do is create the user and enter their data. From there the user will be able to choose the available services that they would like to be present at the event. Once completed, payment would be processed after a few days, giving the team room to identify the services present at the event, in addition to whether they would like to order food from one of the restaurants we offer, drinks and decoration, also taking care of the logistics. .
The service will be offered first in Barcelona in the different areas of Ciutat Vella,
L’Eixample, Les Corts, Sarriá-Sant Gervasi and Gracia since we believe that they will be the areas where there will be the most demand and where many young people who fall within our potential client reside.
The initial investment necessary to start the business activity is contributed by the two main partners, and two partner-collaborators, the sum of said investment is 40,000 euros. Even providing this capital, the company needs to request a loan of 45,000 euros. This loan will be repaid in five years.
According to the company's calculations, sales volume will increase every year. The first year Celebrate yourself I ended the year with negative profits. Even so, it is worth noting that thanks to the analysis of the different ratios, we can say that the company has optimal financial health. Furthermore, the treasury is positive, this tells us that the company can meet its payments.
Therefore, we can say that Celebrate is a profitable project. The growth in sales in each period indicates that we could carry out an expansion of the business, in addition to future investments.
