The CitySafe


Bernadó Zavala, Albert
Flo Lafuente, Guillermo  


As a result of academic exchange in the Brazilian territory and the consequent stay in several cities, we were fully aware of the insecurity that, to a greater or lesser extent depending on the areas or localities, permeated this enormous country. Brazilian citizens themselves are unavoidably aware of this indisputable reality to the point that today it has become one of their great concerns. It was this same concern transferred to our day-to-day, two Europeans in an unknown environment and ignorant about what could dangerously happen selected, which suggested this exciting project to us as an open path to a field that could be expanded.
We decided to make a security app. The pilot test will be in the city of Porto Alegre. The users and clients in our project are well differentiated.
Users will be all those people who download the mobile application on their devices.
Our customers, in contrast, will be those users who pay for the Premium option of our application in the first place. Second, restaurants, hotels, and points of interest in the city could be museums, shopping centers, among others, that will pay to put advertising in our application. Finally, we will offer to put on the same map, those hotels, restaurants or points of interest that are in a safe area, so they will be much more visible to users.
We will create a mobile application in which, among other things, it will include a map of the most dangerous neighborhoods and areas of the city. In this way, our future users will be able to move without fear for their integrity or at least being aware of the possible existing risks. Our company will receive income in three different ways. Mainly by paying for the Premium license. The second source of income will be the advertising that will be part of our application and that will allow anyone who wants to advertise. Businesses that want to be located on our map will be our third and last source of income. All those establishments that pay an amount can be located on our security map.
Our business can lead to some controversy when it comes to assessing the ethics it brings to society. On the one hand, we are offering users the possibility of knowing which areas of the city of Porto Alegre can be frequented or safely accessed and which areas should be avoided or observed at certain specific times. From an ethical point of view, we are helping to prevent the user of the application from being assaulted and/or robbed.



Banqué, Francesc


IQS SM - Undergraduate Program in Business Administration and Management

