Garcés, Claudia
Murillo, Patricia
The idea of our business is the production and sale of canned wine. Due to our enthusiasm for undertaking, the truth is that we always try to keep abreast of news about startups that, while still operating in other countries, have not yet reached Spain. This is how we realized that, in the United States, this new way of presenting wine has been growing substantially in the last four years (both in number of companies and in volume of sales); and that this new trend was also emerging in the UK, among other countries, since last year.
When reflecting on the possibility of introducing this new category in Spain and analyzing our environment, we realized that indeed, a large part of our leisure time is accompanied by some type of drink, usually wine or beer, depending on the context. But the truth is that, when we think of canned alcoholic beverages, the first thing that comes to mind is beer, since it is associated with rather informal and improvised occasions, as well as a younger audience, reserving wine for a more older and for more special or elegant moments of consumption.
Having said that, our goal is to bring wine closer to beer consumption data, and for this it is necessary to present it in a more practical, comfortable and informal way. In this way, the consumer could begin to perceive wine as an alternative to beer, and also introduce it into casual plans with friends, festivals, outdoor events, etc. Likewise, this new way of packaging wine would make it possible to take advantage of the advantages that a can itself offers, such as easy storage or its convenience for individual consumption. In conclusion, a change in packaging together with a disruptive marketing strategy could be the keys to achieving our goal of modernizing wine consumption, uprooting it from tradition and approaching a younger audience.
The need for evolution within the wine sector is not the only reason to trust in this project:
- Changes in preferences: consumers increasingly prefer fermented beverages to the detriment of distilled ones, since the graduation of the former goes from 5 to 15 degrees, while the graduation of the distilled ones ranges between 17 and 45 degrees -
- Demographic changes: the number of people living alone or sharing a flat has undoubtedly increased and, therefore, the occasions of individual consumption at home are increased.
- Impact of the pandemic: the Nielsen company has exposed that retail sales of alcoholic beverages are skyrocketing during this latest crisis.
In view of everything stated in this first section, it can be concluded that our business intends to expand the category of alcoholic beverages by launching a new format, canned wine, which we want to position as an alternative to beer in terms of its occasion of consumption. We will focus our efforts on destigmatizing the wine market, introducing it as a canned drink that is fun, inclusive, individual and easy to consume anywhere. At this point, it is time to ask ourselves who we want to direct our product to, our objective target, and what competitors we will find in the market we want to penetrate.
