Hinojo Ramírez, Antonio
Nowadays, there are various industrial sectors that requires an on-time monitorization of hydrogen or its isotopes. For example, in the nuclear field, deuterium and tritium are promising candidates to be used as fuel in future nuclear fusion plants. However, tritium should be generated on-site because there are only traces in nature. For that reason, in order to ensure the correct fuel supply to the reactor, it is needed the development of tritium quantification devices.
In the last few years, it has been demonstrated that solid state proton conductors are adequate to construct hydrogen sensors to operate in aggressive environments, due to its high chemical stability and the capacity to be used at high temperatures.
In the present work it has been used the proton conductor oxide BaCe0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O3-α as electrolyte for the construction of an amperometric high temperature hydrogen sensor. This ceramic was chosen due to the good results that were obtained in previous works in the Electrometric Methods laboratory of IQS. The sensor obtained in this work will be used as baseline for the future development of sensors able to work with hydrogen isotopes.
To get a homogeneous seal between the electrolyte and the sensor body, it was designed a vertical furnace using a thermal simulation with SolidWorks Simulation. The sensors were evaluated in amperometric mode at different hydrogen partial pressures, at temperatures of 500ºC and 600ºC and applying the potential difference of 2V and 4V between electrodes. Finally, the variation of the proton transport number was analysed when hydrogen partial pressure and temperature were changed.
