Bové Magaña, Jordi
Cosano Bofill, Àlex
I Order is a computer system and an application that connects users of restaurants and restaurateurs. This application will allow the user to find restaurants via geolocation, visualization of the restaurant menu or menu, the ability to choose where to sit via "mapping", the possibility of online reservation, choice of dishes/menu, the ability to pay online, freedom of expression through restaurant opinions, and finally, they will receive points that they can exchange for prizes weekly.
For restaurateurs, first of all, we will develop a POS software, and a POS system, so that they have a restaurant management tool. I Order will also allow them to have online visibility that they do not have today, a modernized reservation system, menu anticipation, an improvement in their services, a personal savings tool, a modernized payment system and a database.
The main motivation to be able to develop this project was, on the part of this group, discovering that there was a need to cover in the catering sector. Until now, this sector has been one of the most affected by the pandemic. A sector, with high costs and a lot of seasonality, where a minimal obstacle that affects the billing of a restaurant can be very detrimental to the business.
Develop an easy, intuitive tool for all audiences, that is, all types of restaurateurs, whether large businesses or small businesses, with more or less experience, have the ability to manage their restaurant, like no other, and, on the other hand, have access to a visibility and marketing tool.
Many times we think that a modernized restaurant reservation and review system can be related to The Fork, TripAdvisor, or other potential competitors. When the reality is that the use of said applications or potential competitors is limited to an advanced market, in which the main use is to see opinions and references about restaurants. Can you imagine an application that not only allows you to see opinions and reviews like our competitors, but also has a prize system for the simple fact of reserving a table, choosing where to sit, seeing menu images? With I Order this is possible. Our core business will focus on selling the POS system and POS software, along with application integration for extra visibility to restaurants. Bearing in mind that the average daily turnover of a restaurant is around 2,000 euros. I Order, and the system it offers, will cost 1,200 euros per year, for a single payment. In the restaurant directory in our application, we will find two types of restaurants, those that will have a “basic” label, and those that will have a “flavored” label. The difference is that the first ones will not have positioning in the first positions of the directory, they will not have the ability to have an online menu, they will not have a map so that users can choose where to sit, and finally they will not have a restaurant management system to manage reservations, instead they will receive the reservation request in their private mail. I Order will work with an initial investment of €145,000, and will make this investment thanks to private investments thanks to the partners themselves, and will carry out a round of investment with family and friends. With this investment, I Order will be able to be born with a structure and a product that allows sales to scale year after year, until achieving a turnover of €1,099,200.00 in the third year, and profits of €490,806.45.
