Moreno García, Belén
Poy Cabrera, Carla
Le Petit Caprice is a luxury fashion rental company that offers a selection of the most fashionable purses and accessories from the world's highest luxury brands. Although our rental service, clients will satisfy their personal wishes in luxury accessories for any special event, meeting or other leisure purposes they have. Our company guarantees you the highest quality in service and product, along with the fastest delivery service to meet your high demands.
The company is a legal entity based in Barcelona. The management is formed by the two co-owners Belén Moreno and Carla Poy who carry out two managerial tasks. The activity of Le Petit Caprice takes place in Paris, since it is considered a fashion capital, being one of the four great fashion capitals of the world. Our service is perfectly adapted to the market because it allows customers to rent daily, at an acceptable price, the desired products without having to buy them at an expensive price. Our target market is not only the people who live in Paris, but also the majority of women who travel to Paris for many different purposes. Le Petit Caprice partners with the main luxury hotels in the capital to reach international clients and, in addition, works with a commercial agent with experience in the sector and the city to bring our products to the market. the company will be the capital contributed by the two shareholders of the company. An amount of € 60,000 will be allocated to the establishment of the legal entity and the coverage of all initial costs. In fact, the main initial costs of Le Petit Caprice are: the acquisition of the rental products and the payment of the income of the commercial agent, including the rent of its office. In addition, we will use the money to cover the employee's wages and to purchase the intangible assets and the real estate plan and equipment necessary to perform the service. The company can generate the same amount of income as the expenses of the rental service number 999. From the rental service number 1,000, Le Petit Caprice will start to generate profits and finally will obtain a total annual net profit of € 5,238.72 on first year, € 200,996.02 in 2 years and € 502,159.58 in 3 years.
Finally, after the first three years, we are looking for investors who believe in our idea and who invest money in Le Petit Caprice to grow and expand the company to other major fashion capitals. In return, dividends will be distributed to the company's investors.
