Natural superabsorbent polymer and cellulose nanofiber production: a comprehensive process design


Moreno Méndez, Paula


Current practices in the generation and disposal of synthetic polymers are not sustainable. The single-use model, based on petrochemicals, is depleting finite resources and has serious ones environmental consequences through the worsening of plastic pollution. WoodSAP, a company of Scientists, engineers and business experts were trained to address this issue. Its mission is to lead the development of high-performance sustainable polymers.
The company has identified an opportunity to fulfill this mission by sustainably producing superabsorbent polymers (SAPs), displacing polyacrylate-based SAPs used in disposable diapers. These synthetic SAPs have a significant associated environmental burden and represent a valuable market opportunity.
An SAP is a polymer that can absorb and retain large amounts of liquid relative to its mass. Because 80% of SAPs are used in the personal care market2, WoodSAP focuses on disposable diapers as the primary market for its bio-based SAP product (BioSAP). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has collected data that disposable diapers account for 1.5% of all municipal solid waste and about 80 million tons of municipal solid waste worldwide3. Polyacrylates, synthesized from monomers derived from petrochemicals, represent a key bottleneck in the production of completely biodegradable diapers, as they take about 500 years to degrade in landfills4. SAP Wood proposes a design for an SAP biologically based airgel product of 3,000 tons / year with 230 g / g water absorption higher than the typical absorption of 200 g / g polyacrylates in current diapers. The BioSAP diaper application market today is valued at 144 million euros and, with a CAGR (composed of an annual growth rate) of 6%, is expected to have a market value of more than 170 million. euros. euros in the 3 years that the WoodSAP facilities will be operational.



García-Granada, Andrés
Colominas Guàrdia, Carles


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Chemical Engineering

