Bichai, Ramy
Nadal i Niubó, Josep Oriol
TravelUP is a mobile application that aims to serve as a solution for users when planning and organizing family, cultural and business trips. It is going to provide customized,
interests-focused tours, guides, information and recommendations to users to let them maximize their experience in another city while experiencing the culture and getting to know the destination in a different way.
The motivation for this project comes after realizing how search engines such as Google, TripAdvisor and others, provide over-all searches for everyone, focusing on the typical and touristic destinations leading to generic search response. Furthermore, when someone is planning a trip and conducting research, search engines will always show the conventional locations and touristic areas of a city, leaving out much of the city's original culture, events or activities that may be relevant to some customers.
To get into greater detail and to differentiate from the previous statement, TravelUP will be offering relevant, enjoyable, and high-quality material, information and recommendations about various cities, in a variety of languages, and via the use of multimedia material such as short movies, photographs, and audio. We will assist in reinforcing the tourist experience in all of its dimensions so that they may completely enjoy their stay and contribute to their culture. Furthermore, we want our consumers to utilize our software as a tool rather than merely a guide, so we will emphasize two-sided communication and having the user as the main focus.
We are going to distinguish three ways of income generation. First of all, in app advertising. We will offer our platform for advertising to various sites such as hotels, restaurants, touristic destinations and others. The second way is going to be providing a premium users subscription for the users willing to get a more joyful experience and getting rid of the adds. And the third one is going to be by serving our platform as a marketplace, where users will be able to acquire tickets, reservations, experiences, amongst others, and TravelUP getting a small fee for each transaction.
We are seeking for a 250.000€ investment which will allow us to strongly perform throughout the first years until we start generating profits. After some approximations and calculations that are further developed in this project, we expect to turn into profits throughout the third year, being that amount of 89.315€ and with exponential forecasts for the following years.
