Andreu Sobrevía, Ares
Intracellular signaling pathways are known to exist in normal and cancer cells to carry out a variety of cellular functions such as cell cycle progression, cell survival, proliferation, and migration.
Many of these signaling pathways start in complex binding structures called Focal Adhesions (FA) that communicate the extracellular environment with the internal environment in which the participation of signaling proteins are protagonists.
For signaling to be possible, the participation of numerous proteins is necessary, one of the most important being the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase or focal adhesion protein tyrosine kinase (FAK).
It has been described that expression changes in the FAK activity would be involved in the dysregulation of pathways, having as a consequence the activation of tumor processes and metastasis in cancers as aggressive and lethal as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (ACDP).
