Simón Codina, María Blanca
The encapsulation of mRNA in nanosystems as delivery systems for gene vaccines has experienced an exponential increase in the last years, as mRNA vaccines represent a promising alternative to conventional vaccines because of their efficacy, rapid development, low-cost production, and safety.
However, despite the many advantages they present, their application in clinical treatments is still limited due to safety issues. Most of these problems are related to liver accumulation of these nanosystems or the inability to transfect immune cells.
In this context, this study focuses on complexing mRNA molecules in oligopeptide end-modified poly (β-amino esters) (OM-PBAEs) to form discrete nanoparticles (NPs). It is demonstrated that mRNA:KH-PBAE NPs enable safe and efficient transfection of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in vitro, thus enabling the expression of antigenic proteins, encoded in mRNA, to elicit an immune response.
Therefore, it is confirmed that OM-PBAE can be used to design mRNA-based immunotherapy approaches to transfect APCs and trigger immune responses to fight either tumors or infectious diseases.
