Please note that the only validation method for making a PUC request will now be by entering SURNAME + BAR CODE (14 digits) in the check boxes.
1st Surname:
You can use either upper or lower case
The system does not support apostrophes, accents or umlauts. Do not use the characters ñ (use n) or ç (use c) either
1st Surname:
You can use either upper or lower case
The system does not support apostrophes, accents or umlauts. Do not use the characters ñ (use n) or ç (use c) either
Barcode card URL:
The barcode can be found on the back of your URL card.
If the barcode on your card is 10 digits instead of 14, your card is obsolete. contact us to find out the number you should enter in the box, and to request a duplicate card with your new code.
If you do not have an URL card or do not have it with you, please contact us to find out the number you should enter in the box and manage your new card, if necessary.
If you still can't access the service, please contact the Library to find a solution.
Remember that you can also contact us via chat through our website, within the opening hours of the Library (9-21h.)