Obtenció d’un catalitzador supramolecular i estudi de la seva eficàcia davant reaccions aldòliques


Ortiz Rosell, Albert


The use of catalysts is very important for the development of the chemical industry, by improving the alimentary sector, or by obtaining better quality fractions of petroleum, or to allow the acquirement of essential chemical products for nowadays society.
The study preformed consist on the synthesis of a chiral ligand to obtain a supramolecular catalyst, and once this is synthesized, this will be tested on different chemical aldolic reactions to document its effectiveness. For the catalytic system, it will consist of a solution of three components, two of them being bipyridine structures (ligands) with functional groups catalytically active on its sides, while the other one consists of a metallic salt. The ligands are the ones with a catalytic function of the aldolic reaction, whilst the metal function is to sustain the structure, being the center of union for the bipyridine structures, this one does not participate in the reaction. The elements form a tetrahedral complex that can use all the catalytic functions given by all the ligands.
In theory, this should improve the activity of the catalytic system by using these catalysts, rather than using each component separately, and for this reason it will be observed for results the catalytic activity in front of aldol reactions.



Jimeno Mollet, Ciril
Pou Ibar, Oriol


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Chemical Engineering

