Segura Trias, Joan
Lloveras Brunet, Xavier
The business that bears the name Rate your plate, arises from the need for more information from restaurant customers and the restaurants themselves.
There are many establishments with extensive menus full of dishes and ingredients, but as customers we cannot always know exactly if we are going to like it or not, so we do not want to waste the experience of going to the restaurant without choosing the dish that we can enjoy the most. .
Through the app that Rate your plate proposes, when choosing a dish, the client will be able to see realistic photos of it and see evaluations and opinions of previous clients, in this way, they will have a more detailed description and more information, to increase the likely to enjoy with the dish. However, if a customer returns to a restaurant that they had not been back for a while, they will also be able to see what they chose and how much they liked it, to repeat, or try something new.
In addition, this information will be collected and adapted so that the company can optimally provide the restaurant itself, which will also be covering the need to obtain information about its service from customers in the form of "feedback". If the restaurant is able to use the information to improve the service and adapt it even more to the taste of the consumer, it will be able to take advantage of competitors when it comes to making a profit thanks to the Rate your plate service. The main source of income is the monthly fee from the restaurants that subscribe to appear in the application and receive the company's services, as well as being a way to promote your restaurant to your target audience through the app.
Other sources of income expected in the long term are advertising tailored to the business and even the income provided by the App store and Play store, either based on the downloads of the application in their online store, or by adding an insignificant price in our app in case there is enough demand to be able to do it.
The initial investment to be made will consist of 20,000 euros contributed by the main partners as well as a long-term loan of €15,000 and a short-term loan of €10,000.
The two entrepreneurs are Xavier Lloveras and Joan Segura, graduates of ADE and with more than a year of internship experience in a startup and a multinational respectively, both passionate about entrepreneurship and wanting to have their own business which they can develop together and grow until the expected success objectives are achieved, in addition to taking advantage to gain experience and gather knowledge for future projects.