Redisseny, posta en marxa i ús d’un sistema que permeti reproduir l’accident ocorregut el 14.01.2020 per descomposició de MPEG


Farré Fustero, Alexandre


The most likely cause of the accident that occurred on the 14th of January 2020 at IQOXE’s facilities is the non-oxidative thermal decomposition of MPEG. This polymer, obtained by the polymerization of ethylene oxide and methanol, was until then considered thermally stable. Due to this and the absence of records about this reaction, it is necessary to carry out a study of the behaviour of MPEG when it is under high temperatures. This has consisted of redesigning, assembling, starting up and using an equipment that allows MPEG decomposition reactions to take place within. All the set objectives have been accomplished. Moreover, analysis of reaction products’ samples has been possible through gas chromatography. This project creates a pathway to use the reactor to deepen in the knowledge of this reaction, such as its mechanism, kinetics, and generated products’ composition. It can also be employed to carry out other species’ decompositions, for as long as its conditions are compatible with the reactor.



Serra Hosta, Eduard


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Chemical Engineering

