Rodríguez-Carreño Ricomá, Cristina
Entrena López, Inés
ROBBIE offers an innovative and superior way to prepare menus, shop at the grocery store and follow a healthier lifestyle. Our team will make sure that customers do not forget to buy or organize their daily menus in a very simple way. The technology will be implemented in a basic need that requires spending a remarkable amount of time on a daily basis. ROBBIE will change the way of doing so far and will reshape and innovate an entire sector in the market.
The company will install first in Spain, in the city of Barcelona. ROBBIE is owned by the partners Inés Entrena and Cristina Rodriguez-Carreño. Both are entrepreneurs dedicated to the creation of innovative and technological companies and graduates of Bachelor of Administration and Law in Business Baccalaureate. Both partners will take on practical managerial roles in the company. Our main clients are those in charge of organizing the daily menus and those in charge of grocery shopping. This includes families or anyone who does not have time to think about what to prepare or go to the supermarket. ROBBIE will create daily menus and will be in contact with supermarkets to always have the necessary ingredients for the dish at home. ROBBIE can also be configured to create specific menus, such as healthy, vegetarian, or any other preference.Today, the market does not provide anything like ROBBIE. Our service will reinvent the entire market, including supermarkets. People will no longer have the need to shop at the supermarket. ROBBIE will meet one of the most important needs of our society through technology. Customers will save an incredible amount of time while improving their menus and being healthier without having to organize.
Our market studies have shown that 44% of the population would acquire our service due to the facilities it would generate in their daily lives. After doing some calculations and subtracting the maximum risk, our final potential market will be 24,026.44 clients in the first year and will increase rapidly in the following years.
Depending on the size of our market and our defined market area, the sales projections for the first year are 76,544 euros and there is also a growth projection where the second year sales revenue will increase to 409,519 euros and the third to 865,581 euros. This rapid increase will be achieved because our service is a monthly subscription, so the increase in subscriptions is added to the existing ones.
ROBBIE will need an investment of 50,000 euros to start the company, this amount will be reached by the owners themselves. The first year will not bring benefits, but the second and third years, the income will be quite high.
