Capdevila, Judit
Montamat, Jordi
This document constitutes a Business Plan for the “Servit” project, as an idea of business provided by the authors of this document, Jordi Montamat and Judit Capdevila.
Servit, S.L. is a company dedicated to offering a very specific type of service that solves the most frequent problem when searching for professional freelancers. According to market research carried out and in view of the visualization of this opportunity, it has been committed to the creation of a mobile application, which acts as a portal to bring together professionals and service seekers in the simplest and fastest way. In addition, brings together a large number of quality and very specific freelance services, focusing its first years in offering services in the home environment; in sectors such as construction; with electricians, plumbers and builders; the painting sector, engineering and architecture. Later, it will also include more varied services in sectors such as education, digital marketing, translation, event organization, and finally the editing one.
This business aims to cover the demands of both users demanding services such as those of freelancers who do not have a promotion method or client contact.
To achieve this, it proposes an application available on many download portals and differentiating, in it, these two typologies of profiles. In this way, it creates a portal to two expensive, satisfying the needs of both users in the best possible way. The application operates in more than one language, and allows a series of competitive advantages, among. They search and find professionals according to their qualifications and their distance from the location of the applicant, rate the professionals once their services have been completed, see a video sample of the freelancers' work before hiring, contact through of the private chat with a phone call option once the appointment has been requested, have the possibility of hiring only professional women, paying with a payment method safe and reliable, and many others. To support the business model, market research was developed through from an interview to a professional in the sector and surveys to a part of the target audience, where the main discoveries determine that, currently, there is difficulty in find professionals quickly as search habits remain some such as recommendations from family members or “word of mouth”. Likewise, it was evident a discontent regarding the accessibility and quality of freelance services. Servit requires a contribution of €90,000 that it plans to invest in the creation of the company and IT-Software, marketing expenses and working capital. The project hopes to have a economic profitability from the second year onwards, recovering the initial investment and generating benefits. So, once the business idea has been introduced, all of them are detailed below and each of the processes of the business plan of Servit, S.L.