

Pascual Garcia, Jordi
Serra Espinós, Xavier


After an investigation in the home delivery parcel sector, the following problems have been detected:

1. Relatively high shipping time, because, in most companies, the time Minimum delivery time is between 24 and 48 hours.
2. The price of shipping is very high.
3. This price varies greatly depending on weight and size.
4. Communication with the carrier is indirect, so if there is an incident, the time and process to contact is very long.
5. To send a package, the sender must go to the nearest office of the parcel company with which you want to send. Once the problems mentioned above were analyzed, the idea of ​​Sharepack was born, a company technology that has two types of users.
6. The first user is the one who would carry out the function of transporting the package, that is, he would be the intermediary between the sender and the receiver of the merchandise.
7. On the other hand, we would find said issuer.

The main and most important solution that our company provides is the factor of how quickly it can to get the package to its destination, since this is how long it takes for an individual to go by car from when they pick up the package until it reaches the destination. On the other hand, it also solves problems such as price, since, as can be seen later, our Rates are much cheaper. It should be noted that in relation to price our company does not distinguish between the weight and size of the package, thus solving one more problem. Furthermore, the functional design of the company makes it impossible for there to be no communication between the intermediary and the packet sender. Also, this design means that there is no need for the user to go to a physical office, therefore solving the last two problems resulting from the research. The size of the market is very large, since it is a basic service that the population will always need. By On the other hand, there are always people who need to make any type of shipment, and people who use the car as a means of usual transportation and who wants to try to amortize the journey by sending a couple of packages. Regarding the economic and financial viability of the business, the number of packages sent planned for the first year is 5,397, which translates to a total of 14 daily shipments on average. This data is an average, so that this figure would not be observed during the first quarters, but would start with a lower and angry one increasing progressively. In the second and third years there will be an exponential increase in the number of shipments thanks to the launch and reinforcement of marketing campaigns, thus resulting in 19,228 packages shipped in the fourth quarter of the third year.
Thanks to the calculations made in the work, the initial investment required is €18,000, which will allow to a standstill in the third year, thus recovering this investment.



Torrez Meruvia, Harold


IQS SM - Undergraduate Program in Business Administration and Management 

