SE-Chemical Engineering and Materials Science 2021

Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (School of Engineering) 2021


Scientifc articles published by PDI of the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Departament (IQS School of Engineering) in 2021.

Select each title for further information (abstract, citations, altmetrics, etc.).


Microneedle-based local delivery of CCL22 and IL-2 enriches T-reg homing to the skin allograft and enables temporal monitoring of immunotherapy efficacy

Puigmal, Núria; Dosta, Pere; Solhjou, Zhabiz; Yatim, Karim; Ramírez, Cynthia; Choi, John Y.; Alhaddad, Juliano B.; Cosme, Ana Paula; Azzi, Jamil; Artzi, Natalie

Advanced Functional Materials, 26 October 2021, v.31, n.44, 2100128

Nanoparticles for triple drug release for combined chemo- and photodynamic therapy

Martínez-Edo, Gabriel; Xue, Evelyn Y; Ha, Summer Y Y; Pontón, Iris; González-Delgado, José Antonio; Borrós, Salvador; Torres, Tomás; Ng, Dennis K P; Sánchez-García, David

Chemistry: a European Journal, 21 October 2021, v.27, n.59 p. 14610-14618

Nb-C thin films prepared by DC-MS and HiPIMS: synthesis, structure, and tribomechanical properties

Sala, N.; Abad, M. D.; Sánchez-López, J. C.; Caro, J.; Colominas, C.

Surface & Coatings Technology, 25 September 2021, v.422, 127569

Polyplex-loaded hydrogels for local gene delivery to human dermal fibroblasts

Duran-Mota, Jose Antonio; Quintanas Yani, Júlia; Almquist, Benjamin D.; Borrós, Salvador; Oliva, Nuria

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 13 September 2021, v.7, n.9, p. 4347–4361

Preclinical assessment of a gene editing approach in a mouse model of mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy

Parés, Marta; Fornaguera, Cristina; Vila-Julià, Ferran; Oh, Sejin; Fan, Steven H Y; Tam, Ying K; Comes, Natalia; Vidal, Francisco; Martí, Ramon; Borrós, Salvador; Barquinero, Jordi

Human Gene Therapy, 18 October 2021, v.32, n.19-20, p. 1210-1223

Prospects on coupling UV/H2O2 with activated sludge or a fungal treatment for the removal of pharmaceutically active compounds in real hospital wastewater

Anton Mir-Tutusaus, Josep; Jaén-Gil, Adrián; Barceló, Damià; Buttiglieri, Gianluigi; Gonzalez-Olmos, Rafael; Rodriguez-Mozaz, Sara; Caminal, Glòria; Sarrà, Montserrat

Science of the Total Environment, 15 June 2021, v. 1773, 145374

Revising protein corona characterization and combining ITC and Nano-DSC to understand the interaction of proteins with porous nanoparticles

Balmori, Alba; Sandu, Romica; Gheorghe, Daniela; Botea-Petcu, Alina; Precupas, Aurica; Tanasescu, Speranta; Sánchez-García, David; Borrós, Salvador

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, October 2021, v.9, 650281

Role of survivin in bladder cancer: issues to be overcome when designing an efficient dual nano-therapy

Arista-Romero, Maria; Cascante, Anna; Fornaguera, Cristina; Borrós, Salvador​

Pharmaceutics, November 2021, v.13, n.11, 1959

Searching for suitable lubricants for low global warming potential refrigerant R513A using molecular-based models: solubility and performance in refrigeration cycles

Albà, Carlos G.; Llovell, Fèlix; Vega, Lourdes F.

International Journal of Refrigeration, August 2021, v.128, p.252-263

Shear wave cardiovascular MR elastography using intrinsic cardiac motion for transducer-free non-invasive evaluation of myocardial shear wave velocity

Troelstra, Marian Amber; Runge, Jurgen Henk; Burnhope, Emma; Polcaro, Alessandro; Guenthner, Christian; Schneider, Torben; Razavi, Reza; Ismail, Tevfik F.; Martorell, Jordi; Sinkus, Ralph

Scientific Reports, January 2021, v.11, 1043