
Giribet Boncompte, Jordi
Griera Váquez, Albert  


Companies invest a lot of time and capital in finding student profiles. Many come to outsource human resources companies as they need outside help to make this selection. To solve this, Talentia is created. Talentia will search for student profiles offered by them and by universities. Then, on our portal, companies will advertise their vacancies, students will access them and apply to those they are interested in. Universities will enter as an indirect user since they will provide information required for companies (upon acceptance by both parties). The great differentiation that we have is that we will provide them with this data that will make the company see what profile the student has and if it meets the requirements of the company. Our main source of income is the payment that companies will make to publish the different vacancies in their departments and obtain information on profiles. Companies are our main client. The second source of income is through the creation of Premium profiles by students that will provide them with a bonus when looking for vacancies.



Martínez Guillén, Mari Carmen 


IQS SM - Undergraduate Program in Business Administration and Management

