Serena Escribano, Ferran
Flores Gallardo, Marc
Our business idea is focused on carrying out home delivery of agricultural products from Km0 by electric transport. At first, we want to operate in the town of Barcelona. The reason is that Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and we will be able to take better advantage of electric vehicles.
Regarding the results of the first three years, it must be said that, although they are simple forecasts and could be affected by unforeseen adversities. In the first year, despite obtaining a negative figure of € 3,498.35, from there our income will increase in such a way that we will be able to recover first expenses. In the second year, we will obtain € 16,692.09 and in the third year, we will obtain € 67,860.88. These are figures that, although they are approximate, we believe will clearly justify our effort. Regarding sales, we estimate that we will make 3,650 units in the first year, 5,000 units in the second year and finally 9,000 units in the third year. Despite being high figures, we remain optimistic due to the strong impact that we will make via social networks together with our loyalty plan. The treasury will remain positive throughout the three years. In the first year we will obtain a treasury of € 17,593.73. In the second year € 40,424.90 and in the third year we will obtain a figure of € 134,547.06.
In the first year, we will have to request a loan of € 10,000 to be able to meet the payments; the loan will be repaid in 5 years.
The ratios on the other hand we also believe that they can demonstrate the profitability of the company. The working capital over the three years will always remain positive. This shows that we will have an ideal financial equilibrium situation, being able to face immediate payments. In the first year, we get € 7,475.94, in the second year € 22,775.18, and in the third year € 89,120.29. The treasury also has positive figures, since we have a ratio greater than 1 we can say that we have very good liquidity. The first year is 1.21, the second year 1.91, and the third year 2.84.
The ROA despite having the first negative year, the other two years the percentages are very positive. Going from a negative figure to obtain a return of 55.94% the second year and 71.17% the third year.
