Bofill Bonet, Carles
Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease that affects the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. The pathophysiology of this disease is based on an alteration in blood glucose levels that leads to various complications, mainly vascular and multiorgan. Currently, the main treatment is based on the administration of exogenous insulin, but this strategy is not entirely effective as it provides symptomatic treatment but not a long-term reversal of the disease.
In this work, a new therapeutic strategy based on cell replacement therapy shows promising results. Specifically from three-dimensional bioprinting techniques, the engineering of spheroids containing b cells surrounded by a collagen matrix (main component of the extracellular matrix in humans). These spheroids are then treated with different
conditions to improve its properties, including the rigidity and size of the pore, which increases the evasion of the immune system. In this work, the viability of b cells has been demonstrated
inserted into a collagen matrix under different conditions. As well as its ability to synthesize and secrete insulin. It is also shown that these spheroids can be implanted in animal models without appreciating any alteration. These discoveries will allow future systems engineering to simulate different organs. These systems, called organs-on-a-chip, will guide medicine in the use of individualized therapeutic strategies, as well as facilitate the preclinical stages in the development of new therapeutic substances from disease monitoring.
