Loscos Martín, Carlos
Nowadays, more and more renewable energy generation technologies are gaining market share thanks to the drive towards energy transition, a necessary process considering the world in which we find ourselves. Global warming is a fact, and the world's most representative organizations in the environmental area have already taken a step forward, establishing limits and objectives that allow reducing the carbon footprint of human beings on the planet.
One of the practices that causes the greatest worldwide environmental impact is electricity production. It is therefore that in recent years great drivers of change have been promoted in this area. Investments in developing new technologies and improving existing ones increase every year.
Vortex Bladeless is a company that has only been in the sector for a few years and that still places its devices in the development and experimentation phase, but even at such an early stage of the project, it is already a young promise in the field of renewable technologies. With a completely different approach, this company intends to create electricity generation devices that cover all areas of generation, from self-consumption to mass generation.
This project aims to analyze the operation of the mentioned technology, through research and simulations that help understand the aeroelasticity mechanisms that are generated around the device. In addition, it will be studied its viability within the renewable energy market.
