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TFM IQS 2021/22
Master's degree of the IQS (School of Engineering and School of Management) defended in the 2021/2022 school year.
Select each title for further information (abstract, degree, etc.).
A new horizon in macromolecular prodrugs: Stimuli-Responsive Polymer - Drug conjugates with broad anti-pathogenic activity
Adam Foods in the Chilean market. International marketing plan for Cuétara’s products
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Alligator Wings: a brand new delivery restaurant
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An International Marketing Plan for Biogrà to enter the French market
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An international marketing plan for Frit Ravich for the entry to the German market
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An International Marketing Plan for the Entrance of Raventos i Blanc & Can Sumoi in the Chinese Market
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Análisis de la capacidad de producción de una instalación industrial
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Análisis de la producción científica sobre criptomonedas en el área de negocios, gestión y contabilidad a través de scopus
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Análisis de la rentabilidad de los Bonos Verdes en los países de mayor emisión en los años 2015 a 2018
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Análisis de rankings universitarios: estudio de la relación de indicadores y resultados de los rankings mundiales Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) y Financial Times (FT)
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