Beyrit, Ekaterina
The European Parliament resolution of May 3, 2018 was to ban animal testing for cosmetics.
This verdict forces the scientist to develop alternatives that would mimic human skin and its properties. At this time, different types of membranes have been created, all of them have good characteristics and some limitations. This study aims to develop and modify single-layer membranes, which were obtained by the cross-linking in chitosan induced by STPP. Another type was created with the incorporation of hyaluronic acid. Only chitosan and chitosan with hyaluronic acid membranes were divided into two types: activated membranes and base membranes. The activated membranes were characterized by the presence of pores that were achieved through the use of DRS, while the base membranes are non-porous. These membranes were characterized by the rheometric study with an oscillatory procedure to verify the reproducibility of the membranes and their elastic behavior. Membranes that had been incorporated into hyaluronic acid, would mimic a healthy moisture content in human skin. All membranes were tested with Franz diffusion cell permeability test and different moisture content. The viscosity of the chitosan solution changes as a function of how long the bottle was opened. To decrease the viscosity with different amount of water, ten chitosan solutions were obtained and tested, which were compared with the viscosity of chitosan that opened only two months.
