Oller Lara, Sònia
Schöbel, Janiv
The mission of PowerNap Boxes is to provide a comfortable and easily accessible resting place to workers or students who need a power-nap to recover energy and front the rest of the day. The experience of a nap in Powernap Boxes’ cabins will increase our customers’ satisfaction when devoting some of their time to take a rest there. Moreover, through the high-value of our service we will gain our customers’ trust for their daily naps.
The format of our service will be small locals with individual nap cabins inside and some other simple facilities like a coffee machine. This service will be run in a totally autonomous way as we support the philosophy “do it on your own”. The locals will have high-technological arrangements so that customers can use the service without needing the help of anyone. This will mean that they will also need to help in order to use our service; they will have to do their own beds and remove the sheets whenever they have finished the service. We believe that the philosophy followed is the most efficient to provide to our customers a total disconnection time without any distractions or bothers. The management of this start-up will consist of two co-owners, which are the members of the project and a small managing team that will consist of a marketing manager, an accountant, two programming & IT experts and a customer service expert. In order to run this business in an efficient way and keep the high comfort we will require an external cleaning service which will provide us with daily clean sheets and daily cleaning of the locals. Moreover, we will also provide a customer support service in case our customers have any trouble while using our service. Listening to their complaints or doubts will provide us with a direct feedback to be in constant improving to achieve a higher level of efficiency, comfort and acceptance of the service by the society. The first launch of our start-up will be with 1 local in the city center of Barcelona because of the perfect economical and socio-cultural conditions of this city. All this makes Barcelona the suitable spot as the concentration of our targets is high in just a few km2 and the wider open mindset of the citizens, in comparison with other cities in Spain, will help us to introduce our service in their daily routines. We are providing a really disruptive business in the market of Spain, there are almost no competitors on the sector, which allows us to say that we are going into a blue ocean.
Finally, in order to settle down this business we would require an initial investment of 700.000€ which we expect to amortize in year 4, which is our breakeven point. This initial investment will be fully covered by the equity provided by the co-owners of the company.
