Ruiz Sangrà, Aleix
Decathalogne García, Robert
The following Master's final project is a practical case of financial advice and planning that reflects the situation of a fictitious family. This work will be carried out following different phases, trying to synthesize and put into practice all the resources and knowledge learned during the course of the Master.
For this case, we have been presented with the data of a married couple, Paco and María, residents in Barcelona under a separate property regime as of 01/01/2021. The family needs to replace two more cars and finish paying for the studies of their 2 children, Toni and Albert. In addition to continuing with their respective investment plans. Also, it should be noted that the parents of the woman's family are in a regime of separation of property and live independently with a life expectancy of 10 years. The father has investment funds of €300,000 and the mother owns a home of €400,000.
The objective is to study two options to obtain the necessary resources, the first option being more defensive and the second more aggressive. Both options will have investment in investment funds as their backbone.
In order to solve the family's objectives, it is first necessary to carry out a detailed initial analysis, including life expectancy, earned wages and family situation, among other data, which provide the identification of factors that may facilitate or hinder the achievement of the objectives. . After identifying the key characteristics of the family, we proceed to analyze the range of possibilities to achieve its objectives realistically and objectively in relation to the current economic situation.
