Font Moré, Josep
Pérez Jané, Albert
In the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in smart energy systems. These technologies have gained popularity, mainly due to the higher awareness of people against pollution and mismanagement, but also, due to the rising costs of electricity.
CLIK was born to give an answer to an unmet market need, focusing on companies and organizations that manage multiple spaces and are faced with the difficult task of efficiently managing them. The thesis is divided into 11 main chapters and this executive summary.
Chapter 2 explains our solutions' features and the technology behind them. Furthermore, it describes the distribution channels for an initial stage, mainly based on face-to-face sales and the following expansion of the company considering additional selling channels like the Internet and partners. Finally, the profitability of CLIK is validated using the IQS School of Management, as an example.
Chapter 3 deeps dive into the technology, explaining the fundamentals behind IoT technology and its feasibility for our application. In addition, a general view on competitors and state-of-the-art technology is given, serving as a short introduction to the sector and its current state.
Chapter 4 is an economic analysis, which describes the current situation from different points of view, moving from a European perspective, then focusing on the Spanish and Catalan markets. The economic analysis is strongly dictated by the current COVID situation. Also, the work further studies the Domotic sector in Spain, describing an unbalanced market that has shifted its attention to the private customer. Chapter 5 analyses the current situation of the market and explaining how current events can shape its future. Furthermore, CLIK is compared to its competitors, obtaining positioning maps.
Chapter 6 details the workforce necessary to operate the business, defines the tasks of each employee, and defines the organizational chart of the company.
Moreover, it describes the facilities required, as well as, defining supportive tasks like Inventory management and Customer Service Policy.
Chapter 7 specifically focuses on analysing the costs related to purchasing, promoting, developing, and distributing the product. The cost allocation is also done, considering wages, external services, and amortization. Chapter 8 places emphasis on different tools which dictate the strategy of the company and how it will respond under different scenarios. The chapter uses PESTLE, SWOT, and Porter analysis. Additionally, it assesses the company from an inside and outside perspective considering stakeholders, resources and capabilities, all different concepts that help locate the company inside the market. Finally, the chapter also defines the Mission and Vision of the company.
Both messages are a key part of our company and serve as an example of how we expect employees to respond under different scenarios.
Chapter 9 focuses on the Human Resources Management of CLIK, considering the objectives for the different departments. In addition, a training plan is prepared for all employees to focus on our core values: sense, sustainability, and simplicity. Chapter 10 describes the marketing campaign to make our solution recognizable and popular in the market.
Chapter 11 analyses the finances of the company for the first 4 years. The study is done considering two possible outcomes. An optimistic hypothesis in which the growth in expected sales is exponential and a negative hypothesis in which the growth rate is only 8%. The initial revenue is also different for both cases.
Last, but certainly not least, Chapter 12 describes the Corporate Social Responsibility of the company. The code of conduct is described in this chapter and a strong focus is placed on the Sustainable Development Goals as a clear direction to what our company needs to work towards.
