Concepción de un chasis tubular de vehículo tipo Formula Student


Guix Estrada, Pol


Formula Student (FS) is an international competition that challenges university students to design, build and race small formula-style racing cars. The design of the chassis structure is one of the first challenges that a team must face to develop the car. Therefore, this thesis discusses the most convenient types of chassis, the material options and all the frame requirements. The main objective of this project is to obtain a valid tubular chassis model to compete in the FS, complying with the regulations imposed by the organization where certain criteria are proposed to guarantee the pilot's safety. The design of the chassis is carried out with a parametric approach to be able to adapt to the requirements imposed by other departments. The behavior of the structure under the loads of its normal operation is also studied. Throughout the project, all the necessary considerations and the design process are detailed as a bibliography repository for future team members.



López Navarro, Ferran


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering

