Diseño y construcción de una plataforma IoT para el seguimiento de un panel solar autoguiado


Ginel Valero, Eric

This project presents the process and development to design and build an IoT platform to track a self-guided solar panel. Within the objectives set, a preliminary study is presented in which several components present in a photovoltaic installation are modelled and simulated, in order to deepen the knowledge about this technology. Additionally, a robot with two degrees of freedom is designed so that it allows the panel to follow a light source in azimuth and elevation, with the aim of increasing its efficiency. Said robot is manufactured with 3D printing, assembled, and programmed with the corresponding control loops for solar tracking with a microcontroller Arduino UNO. Finally, the Modbus/TCP communication protocol is implemented to be able to monitor variables of interest in real time through the IoT platform IXON.



Yagüe Yagüe, Sauro José


IQS SE - Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering

