Disseny d’una nanopartícula polimèrica selectivament vectoritzada amb HMOs cap a les cèl·lules dendrítiques


Guixeras Carreras, Jordi  


Current therapies against lung cancer are ineffective due to poor distribution in the body, which makes the administered doses not sufficiently effective but, at the same time, they produce toxic effects in the body. As an alternative, different studies have proposed immunotherapy, which consists of selectively activating the immune system to fight these cancer cells. Of the different types of immunotherapy we want to design a therapeutic vaccine. This vaccine will transport mRNA that codes for different antigens associated with the tumor in such a way that when transfecting the cells of the immune system it will achieve a selective immune response against tumor cells that express said antigen. In this work, a nanoparticle that encapsulates this mRNA has been designed, with the aim of vectoring it towards a specific type of cell. The design is based on using a proprietary polymer from the research group, a poly (beta aminoester) -pBAE, a polymer that, thanks to the electrostatic interaction with the mRNA, will form the nanoparticle. In addition, this polymer will be functionalized with the appropriate mixture of specific sugars (mannose derivatives or human milk oligosaccharides (HMO)) to guide the nanosystems selectively towards the CLRS receptors, overexpressed in dendritic cells.



Fornaguera Puigvert , Cristina
Faijes Simona, Magda


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Biotechnology

