Ortega Dumont, Andrea
In this document the corrective actions to be applied in tank 31 of Covestro’s Barcelona plant are studied.
It has begun by studying the history of the maintenance of the equipment of the installation, making the transition from a corrective maintenance to a one based in a continuous improvement, that is, preventive maintenance and / or predictive maintenance. The meaning of the criticality of an equipment is also defined, as well as how it is determined and what it is used for.
The so-called bad actors of the installation have been studied, taking into account 5 categories: repetition failures, high cost failures, priority failures, failures that cause a significant loss of production and failures that are determined by engineers’ feedback.
Once the equipment that is present in more than one of the 5 categories has been determined, the most repeated or the one that causes a worst impact for the plant has been chosen for a deeper study, which includes the defect elimination technique, the Ishikawa’s diagram and a Root Cause Analysis.
The most repeated has been tank 31, which contains phthalic anhydride, one of the plant's raw materials. That is why the processes that are carried out in the system and the equipment that compose it have been described, as well as the characteristics of the fluids that circulate through it.
Once the defect elimination techniques have been applied, the corrective actions that have been proposed have been explained and the possible implementation of each one has been discussed.
