Estudi del flux sònic en el sistema de buit d’un liofilitzador mitjançant simulació CFD


Corbera Vidiella, Joaquim


The freeze-dryer technology, nowadays, is being studied and improved by I+D pharmaceutical centers to give rise to the best products results.
Among others problems, the freeze-dryers develop physical issues, like the choked flow and the importance of Mach number in the tube where is produced the vacuum, as a result of that, the density variation of the fluid.
For that reason, the main objective of the thesis is, first of all, the knowledge of the freeze-dryer workings. Secondly, design and do the calculation of the freeze-dryer with SolidWorks™. Finally, optimize the freeze-dryer design to make it the most aerodynamic as we can.



Menacho Solà-Morales, Joaquín


IQS SE - Undergraduate Program in Industrial Engineering

