Cano Vázquez, Aitor
This project has been done because of the need of the Barcelona City Council to reduce the energy consumption of the Palau Sant Jordi to help prevent climate change and at the same time save as much as possible.
It is necessary to emphasize that the project is a small part of the energy audit that was delivered to the City Council, as in the audit there were many people involved and my work was reduced to the sections of climate and building envelope, in addition to the use of CE3X software.
Broadly speaking, the work consists of the current study of the Palau Sant Jordi, considering all the elements involved in energy expenditure, from the envelope to the air conditioning, water and lighting installations. After the initial study, some possible improvements have been studied and it has been calculated how much would be improved in case of applying them, also calculating the economic and environmental feasibility of each improvement.
