Gordo Buisán, Teresa
Can a standardized model of ethical audit of scientific research be developed that can be applied in the field of research in the field of biomedicine?
This Bachelor's Degree Final Project proposes the ideation and elaboration of this challenge. The first part of the main objective is to carry out an ethical audit procedure that can be carried out by a Research Ethics Committee and that generates trust among the researchers involved and the whole of society. In addition, the second part of the main objective is to apply the standardized ethical audit to a specific case: the CoviNanoVax project, an investigation to obtain a vaccine against COVID-19 led by IQS.
For this, this project consists of four different parts. Part I corresponds to the conception of the standardized ethical audit to be applied in biomedical research. Part II is descriptive and it deals with the realization of a general ethical context and the ethics applied to scientific research, this part allows to establish the bases to be able to carry out part I.
Subsequently, in part III a context is made on the subject of vaccines and pandemics. This part allows to establish the bases to understand the CoviNanoVax project and to be able to verify the functionality of the standardized ethical audit presented in part I.
Finally, in part IV, it contains two sections: the first describes all the issues related to the CoviNanoVax project and the second is the application of the ethical audit (which is based on the application of two forms devised called Form I and Form II.
The realization of this work is based on various bibliographic sources (e.g. Ética de la Investigación científica 1).
This ethical judgment is made with the proposal of an ethical audit model to be tested and refined in future research, and that could be offered as a useful tool for the scientific community.
