Implementación de la metodología BIM en fase obra a un proyecto de nueva construcción


Pedret Laborda, Alex

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to implement BIM technology in a new construction project. That is to say, to carry out the process of a work with the use of this new technological tool. This software tool allows to improve the collaboration and communication between the different actors active in the task, the visualization of the project in the pre-construction phase, the detection of possible incidences before the execution, a more exhaustive programming of the project, as well as improvements in the productivity and in the management of the projects during the life of the projected facilities and buildings. For this, it is necessary to put the reader in context about what BIM is and about the processes that this tool uses, the implementation methodology and the benefits that its use can bring. Following this theoretical approach to the subject, we proceed to apply the BIM methodology in a new construction project. At this point, the different functionalities and processes that are performed when working with this tool are expanded. To clarify this section, it is explained how the monitoring of a work is carried out in the traditional way.
Once the two processes have been analyzed, a comparison is made, explaining the advantages of using one or the other. Next, once the BIM methodology implemented in a project has been approached, the drawings that have been made throughout the work are shown. An economic study is also carried out in which the cost of implementing this methodology in a new construction project is presented.
Finally, an environmental study is developed to see the effect of building a building with or without BIM methodology. With the BIM methodology, not only costs will be saved and productivity and efficiency will be improved, but it will also be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of building.



Llaverias Baqués, Núria


IQS SE - Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering

