Modificación estructural de grafeno mediante fotoxidación con dióxido de titanio


Raich Hitos, Adrián

Graphene is a material that has been actively studied since its discovery in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov [1]. It is given very interesting properties that can bring great advances in the world. One of the most interesting properties is its high electrical conductivity, far superior to that of many metals. However, graphene has a peculiarity that makes it difficult to exploit this property: its valence band and conduction band are in contact at certain points in its structure. Therefore, electrons can flow through these bands at will, as they do not need any energy input to be produced, as would be desirable for their application, for example, in transistors.
In view of this application and the revolution that graphene could bring to the field of electronics, many studies have been carried out to exploit this semiconductor property. Some of these studies have shown that the addition of imperfections or disorder in graphene can generate the desired band gap [2][3]. Therefore, in this work, as a contribution to these studies, we have tried to make changes in the structure of graphene. Starting from a monolayer graphene, by means of a photoxidation method, its structure has been affected, becoming more disordered. This has been corroborated by a significant increase in the D peak, observed by Raman spectroscopy.



Colominas Guàrdia, Carles


IQS SE - Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering

